Sunday 26 April 2015

Homeward Bound Part 1

After a successful proving run to Boston and a general engine service the week preceding, we decided to head off to Lincoln with a view to complete our journey back to Pollington the next weekend. (Bank Holiday). Unfortunately Fiona wasn't well on the Friday so we went from Dogdyke to Kirkstead Bridge on Saturday evening and to Brayford Pool, Lincoln on the Sunday. 

Kirkstead Bridge
Stamp End Lock Lincoln
Brayford Pool Moorings

Friday 10 April 2015

Lauch Day

A crane was organised for all the boat owners wanting their boats launching. Unfortunately this fell in the middle of 4 night shifts but we were too excited to miss it so I slept in the back of the car whilst Fiona drove down to Coningsby.

Luckily we arrived just in time to see our boat launched

Once the crane was out of the way we were able to fit a newly charged battery, and with the help of some fresh petrol and some easy-start managed to get the engine started and runnning. Time now to order plenty of service parts to replace at the next visit.