Sunday 11 October 2015

Selby Bound

A tricky Journey from Naburn as far as Cawood due to low sun straight ahead. By around Kelfield the sun was above the level of the windscreen making thing a little easier.

Lock keeper preparing Selby lock for our arrival.

Arriving at Selby at fair speed.

Turning into the tide to assist our passage into the lock.

Safely in Selby Lock.

Thursday 8 October 2015

The Ouse in flood

I spent last night at work watching the Ouse rise on a York webcam and also on the EA website hoping all was well with the boat. I had already moved Bombardier onto a floating pontoon on Monday in anticipation of rain on the Tuesday and Wednesday. Sure enough the river came up around 6ft in York. To access this pontoon you normally have to climb down a ladder around 5ft but today you were able to step straight on.

This is where we usually moor in Naburn. Missing from the picture is a 2ft retaining wall and the riverside footpath which itself is usually around 3ft above the waterline.