Monday 30 April 2018

VHF SRC Course

Attended my VHF SRC course and exam at York Marina today. Well worth it, very informative and useful. Well delivered course and I would have no hesitation in recommending York Marina for this course. Should receive my radio license in the post in a week or so.

Sunday 29 April 2018

The Proving Run

The new alternator arrived this week and we popped down on Friday evening to fit it along with a new set of spark plugs before returning home as the grandchildren were staying over. Saturday evening we returned and had a night on the boat and went for a run on Sunday morning. We just went as far as Stainforth and back but it proved that the boat is running superbly. It also gave me a bit of practice getting in and out of the mooring which isn't easy! 

Monday 23 April 2018

Weekend static

Well we decided to stay in the boat despite it not running. Saturday night there was a band on at the Barge Inn which were found to be excellent. We popped home on Sunday and returned to the boat again in the afternoon and did lots of sorting and organising in the boat before walking into town for a well deserved beer.

It seemed we walked back just in time as the sky turned black as I hurriedly fitted the covers to the boat rear. However the rain didn't start in earnest and essentially passed us by.
Fee is back at work today so we left early this morning. I start a run of nights tonight so hopefully the alternator and service bits will arrive before the weekend and we can then go for a short cruise. We have changed our sleeping arrangements and it is much more comfortable now, or it may be just the relief of not hearing the bilge pump running every few hours! Can't wait to get back on board.

Friday 20 April 2018

Launch day

Launch was delayed until today but all went reasonably well. 

The new stern drive bellows has rectified the leak we had, and the engine started OK despite being stood for 18 months. However the alternator has given up the ghost as the bearings have collapsed. A new one has been ordered and the old removed so we could move the boat to the mooring around 100 yards from the launch.

Monday 16 April 2018

Ready for launch

Well the boat safety was booked for 3pm on Saturday and all was found to be satisfactory. Bombardier II should be going back in the water tomorrow. Only in work today so will be able to spend some time later in the week to complete some of the jobs I was going to complete in the water. 
Having said that I've got some decorating to finish at home and want to get the MGB ready for sale now the weather is turning.

Thursday 12 April 2018

Hoping for a better 2018

Well it didn't happen last year. The boat yard had kept fobbing us off regards the sterndrive and it got to a point it was too late to bother. I told them I'd sort myself. I managed to source some stern drive bellows from Germany which appear to be the last supplier of these parts globally. I left the parts with a local Marine Engineer for the winter who appear to have done a lovely job on the drive including new exhaust and drive bellows, new pipe for the raw water feed, new anodes, transmission oil etc.

The boat safety is now also due so time has been taken to fit a new gas locker as the old one was looking a little decrepit.  
The weather has been pretty rubbish this week but the weather held off enough Monday and Tuesday to apply 2 coats of antifoul paint to the hull. So the boat safety is booked in for Saturday and fingers crossed the boat will be back in the water very soon.