Friday 12 June 2015

Trip into York and back to Selby

We took the boat for a trip into York then retuned to Naburn lock in time for the tide to be right to return to Selby lock.
 An oystercatcher feeding just north of Naburn
 Approaching York at the millennium bridge
 The branch with the river Foss. 
It is only navigable for a short stretch.
 Skeldergate bridge, York Boat trips and 
Ouse bridge ahead of that.
 Bombardier II moored at Naburn Lock waiting 
for the tide.
 I was warned about debris but how do you avoid 
this lot in your path!
 And some of it quite big. We did hit a large log at 
one point and although it made us jump out of our 
skin it din't do any damge.
Selby Toll Bridge marking our imminent passage
 into Selby Lock

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