Monday 21 May 2018

Indecision over

With only little use in the last few years I had decided to sell my MGB roadster. It was listed on Car and Classic and ebay and I have had a great deal of interest. Unfortunately most people wanting a bargain. I received a bid of within £200 of the figure I had in mind to let it go yesterday when we met a couple at an MG meet at Castle Howard. We had such a nice day out I have decided to just keep the car and just make sure I use it a lot more and organise the garage a lot better as garage space was one motive for selling it.

The good note on the boat front is that the new curtains I have made fit perfectly as we took them over last night and stayed the night. Just got the front one to fit as the new rail has just arrived this morning.
Ironically when we got to the boat yard there was an MGB parked there which I have never seen there before. I think fate was letting me know I'd made the right decision.

1 comment:

  1. We keep debating whether or not to sell the Sierra but in the end we always say we will keep it another year and see if we use it a bit more this year.

    We rarely do though!
