Tuesday 29 May 2018

Run into Doncaster

Well after a peaceful night at Long Sandall we decided to have a run to Doncaster and moor if there was space or just have a look and turn back. As it turned out there were a couple of spaces left so we moored up and had a walk into town before making our way back to Thorne. 

Family of ducks including what looks like an albino.

Think I'll carry a bit more extra petrol next time as the petrol gauge seems to be a bit erratic so I'm not entirely certain how much is on board. I don't think I'll attempt to tamper with the gauge yet as I think it may get better with use. I think the float might be sticking at times through lack of use over the last 18 months. We'll see!
Back home today then we'll come back to the boat on Friday with the grandchildren for their first run out. I think we'll head towards Crowle as there are plenty of bridges etc to operate which I'm sure they will enjoy. Having said that I'm sure there will be plenty of bickering regards who's job is who's and when!

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