Sunday 8 July 2018

England 2 - Sweden 0

We went to the Marina and were planning to head straight off, but we're dragged into the atmosphere in the bar so ended up watching the football. Worth watching given the result. We then headed off and settled down just beyond the sanitary station at Bramwith. It was a lovely spot and very peaceful for the night. We had a very peadeful time sitting on the canal bank watching the sun go down.


In the morning I took a walk to the aquaduct which takes the New Junction canal over the River Don. A spectacle we've not viewed from that perspective. 

The River Don and and the keadby to Stainforth canal run almost parallel at this point. On the way back to the boat spotted three Swans down in the River Don it was possibly the lowest I have seen the Don in some time. It made me think that had the Monk Benedict from Auxerre sailed up the Don rather than the Ouse his monastery may have ended up here.

On the way back to Thorne we called at Stainforth market for breakfast. Quite a few boats already there meant we had to take a mooring where it was a bit of a scramble to get off.

Tuesday 19 June 2018

All repaired and back at the mooring

I used the outboard to run the boat to the marine engineers this morning, a journey of only 50 feet out of the visitors moorings. The engineers managed to position the boat to lift the outdrive to reach it, something which was impossible in the places we were broken down due to the high banks.

I left the boat with them and they had it repaired in only a couple of hours. We were hoping the shear pin had broken due to picking up weeds. It was wrapped with weeds, however the section of the propeller which holds the shear pin had separated from the rest of the propeller. The engineers have machined the propeller to accept new bolts between the 2 sections of propeller and it is now working fine. They are also going to investigate whether an alternative propeller for the boat can be fitted to this ZF drive as they seem to think there is a particular Volvo one which will fit. They will get back to me.

Anyway I drove back to Thorne and collected the boat and navigated the 1/2 mile back to the mooring including Thorne lock. The first time I've done a lock singled handed but I manged OK.

The blue narrowboat on the right at the end is the one which towed us back. John gave me the thumbs up when he saw me go past and that the boat had been repaired.

Top of Thorne lock almost at our mooring.

Monday 18 June 2018

Finally made it back!

Well during the week parts have arrived for the outboard. I fitted the recoil spring and new starting rope on Friday night and whilst at it I stripped the carburettor and clean it out. On running the outboard in a bin it seemed to be running much better. So off once again to try and make our way back to Thorne! 

We set off  but after around 1/4 of a mile the engine cut out. I'm sure it would have started again but the wind had pushed us straight into the weeds on the side opposite the towpath. The weeds were everywhere and wrapped around the propeller. No way would we be able to start here without also damaging the outboard. I tried to paddle back to the towpath but as soon as I paddled boat in the direction I wanted to go  the wind took it back. 

But not to worry because shortly after arrived a narrow boat. I asked if they could possibly tow me across to the other side but after enquiring where they were going we arranged a tow to Thorne for the princely sum of  'a few drinks'.
Thank you John and OXO the dog!

We were hoping to get into the visitor moorings as they are right next to the marine engineers we use but they were full. So we moored a little further on for Saturday night. On Sunday morning someone moved on so we tried the engine again and free of weed ran fine and we moved on to the visitor mooring. Monday morning I spoke to the engineers and he will have a look tomorrow morning.

A family of swans looking to be fed!

Saturday 9 June 2018

Half way back!

We managed to get hold of a small outboard to hopefully get us back so returned the next Saturday and set off towards Thorne. Unfortunately the outboard bracket has never been used since we got the boat and has seized solid so we couldn't adjust for optimum performance. The outboard could have been done to have been an inch or two lower in the water but it was moving us albeit slowly.

We got nearly back to Godnow and the outboard started to begin running badly so we pulled over to take a look and  thankfully we had left a car at Godnow anyway so we wouldn't be too far from a car at any point. I thought I'd try a fuel filter so we drove off to Scunthorpe to see what we could find and managed to get one at a motor factors which fitted despite being a bit bigger.

We gave it a start and it did seem to be running a bit better so we settled down for the evening and decided to make a move the next day. Unfortunately on trying to start the next day the recoil spring broke! So again the boat was stuck once more!

Sunday 3 June 2018

Run out with grandchildren then broke down

Well we had a lovely run out from Thorne to Godnow Bridge near Crowle with the Grandchildren, Will and Jack. Will had left his car at Godnow so he could run everyone back and be back home in time for work.

Everyone had a great time and the kids can't wait to come with us again.

We took a walk into Crowle for some refreshments and something to eat from the Chippy and decided to head off for Keadby so we could fill up with water and use the facilities. I was going to fill the water before leaving Thorne but the tap was already taken by a sprinkler watering the borders.
We pulled over at the swing bridge just before Vazon sliding railway bridge and Fee got off to open the bridge. When I attempted to move on I found the drive had gone.
Being there was nothing we could do we just decided to settle down there for the evening.

We had planned to go into Scunthorpe on the train on Saturday from Keadby (Althorpe) so stuck with our plans as we were only about another 15 minutes walk from the Moorings at Keadby. There is a house only 100 yards from where we broke down and it is overlooked by the Signal box so we felt it was a safe place to leave the boat. Also we moved the boat by rope, as far away from the bridge as we could so as not to hamper other boats using the bridge. We stayed on the boat again Saturday night and then got a lift from Will on Sunday morning back to Thorne to collect the car while we worked out our next move.

Tuesday 29 May 2018

Run into Doncaster

Well after a peaceful night at Long Sandall we decided to have a run to Doncaster and moor if there was space or just have a look and turn back. As it turned out there were a couple of spaces left so we moored up and had a walk into town before making our way back to Thorne. 

Family of ducks including what looks like an albino.

Think I'll carry a bit more extra petrol next time as the petrol gauge seems to be a bit erratic so I'm not entirely certain how much is on board. I don't think I'll attempt to tamper with the gauge yet as I think it may get better with use. I think the float might be sticking at times through lack of use over the last 18 months. We'll see!
Back home today then we'll come back to the boat on Friday with the grandchildren for their first run out. I think we'll head towards Crowle as there are plenty of bridges etc to operate which I'm sure they will enjoy. Having said that I'm sure there will be plenty of bickering regards who's job is who's and when!

Sunday 27 May 2018

Long Sandall Lock

Well we didn't get very far.
We navigated the lift bridge at Barnby Dun and the lock at Long Sandall and found it such a beautiful spot decided to stay there. We had a walk to a nearby Marsden's pub and had dinner whilst sitting out in the sunshine. William had a headlight bulb blow on his car and didn’t want to pay Halfords prices to have it changed so drove through to Doncaster for me to fit it instead. At least we got a free taxi back to the boat!

First good run out

We got to the boat mid-afternoon and we were planning on staying in the marina for the night before heading out. However after sorting some jobs, the wind had dropped and the weather was lovely so we decided to set off and see how far we got.

We made it as far as Barnby Dun lift bridge and settled down for the night just in time for a beautiful sunset. No plans set in stone for today we'll just head towards Doncaster and see where we fancy stopping before heading back to the Marina tomorrow as we are going on a quick trip to Belgium on the Ferry from Hull on Tuesday.

Monday 21 May 2018

Indecision over

With only little use in the last few years I had decided to sell my MGB roadster. It was listed on Car and Classic and ebay and I have had a great deal of interest. Unfortunately most people wanting a bargain. I received a bid of within £200 of the figure I had in mind to let it go yesterday when we met a couple at an MG meet at Castle Howard. We had such a nice day out I have decided to just keep the car and just make sure I use it a lot more and organise the garage a lot better as garage space was one motive for selling it.

The good note on the boat front is that the new curtains I have made fit perfectly as we took them over last night and stayed the night. Just got the front one to fit as the new rail has just arrived this morning.
Ironically when we got to the boat yard there was an MGB parked there which I have never seen there before. I think fate was letting me know I'd made the right decision.

Thursday 17 May 2018

New curtains

Busy night last night making curtains for the boat. We made the old ones in 2015 as a quick stop gap whilst travelling back and forth to Coningsby in preparation for our journey back to Yorkshire. We had used the previous ones as templates and hadn’t appreciated how badly the original ones must have fitted when in operation so we’re never happy with the ones we made or the method of hanging.
Fingers crossed they turn out to be a good fit!

Monday 14 May 2018

Rude awakening!

Again I was supposed to be working all weekend again but as it was Fiona's birthday managed to swap a shift so got the Saturday night off. Finished work Saturday morning and thought I'd get a few hours sleep at home. However family kept turning up to wish Fee a Happy Birthday so by 11am I just gave in. We went to Thorne for a few beers in the afternoon but not having been to the 1940's weekend didn't know what to expect. It was a really nice affair but we didn't appreciate that the classic lorries and bag pipe players would be warming up first thing this morning right outside our boat! We had nice day in Thorne and I disappeared for my  night shift and boy what a struggle that shift was.

Sunday 6 May 2018

Hot hot hot

Typically the boat is running nicely and it's bank holiday weekend and a hot one at that.
Sadly I'm working 4 x 12hr day shifts right across the weekend.
We decided to stay on the boat on Saturday night anyway as there was a band on again.
After all it is only around 10 minutes more to drive to the boat from work than home.
It was a bit tiring but made good a disappointing weekend.

Tuesday 1 May 2018

Run out with Will

Will's only day off this week so I had promised to take him for a short run since getting the engine running nicely. It was bit windy at times but had another run out to Stainforth and back.

A Heron taking flight as we approached it close to the site of the former Dunstan Hill Swingbridge.

They are building a new estate right by the canal at Stainforth and as such have improved the look of the bank opposite by removing the steel shuttering and creating a more natural looking bank.

Monday 30 April 2018

VHF SRC Course

Attended my VHF SRC course and exam at York Marina today. Well worth it, very informative and useful. Well delivered course and I would have no hesitation in recommending York Marina for this course. Should receive my radio license in the post in a week or so.

Sunday 29 April 2018

The Proving Run

The new alternator arrived this week and we popped down on Friday evening to fit it along with a new set of spark plugs before returning home as the grandchildren were staying over. Saturday evening we returned and had a night on the boat and went for a run on Sunday morning. We just went as far as Stainforth and back but it proved that the boat is running superbly. It also gave me a bit of practice getting in and out of the mooring which isn't easy! 

Monday 23 April 2018

Weekend static

Well we decided to stay in the boat despite it not running. Saturday night there was a band on at the Barge Inn which were found to be excellent. We popped home on Sunday and returned to the boat again in the afternoon and did lots of sorting and organising in the boat before walking into town for a well deserved beer.

It seemed we walked back just in time as the sky turned black as I hurriedly fitted the covers to the boat rear. However the rain didn't start in earnest and essentially passed us by.
Fee is back at work today so we left early this morning. I start a run of nights tonight so hopefully the alternator and service bits will arrive before the weekend and we can then go for a short cruise. We have changed our sleeping arrangements and it is much more comfortable now, or it may be just the relief of not hearing the bilge pump running every few hours! Can't wait to get back on board.

Friday 20 April 2018

Launch day

Launch was delayed until today but all went reasonably well. 

The new stern drive bellows has rectified the leak we had, and the engine started OK despite being stood for 18 months. However the alternator has given up the ghost as the bearings have collapsed. A new one has been ordered and the old removed so we could move the boat to the mooring around 100 yards from the launch.

Monday 16 April 2018

Ready for launch

Well the boat safety was booked for 3pm on Saturday and all was found to be satisfactory. Bombardier II should be going back in the water tomorrow. Only in work today so will be able to spend some time later in the week to complete some of the jobs I was going to complete in the water. 
Having said that I've got some decorating to finish at home and want to get the MGB ready for sale now the weather is turning.

Thursday 12 April 2018

Hoping for a better 2018

Well it didn't happen last year. The boat yard had kept fobbing us off regards the sterndrive and it got to a point it was too late to bother. I told them I'd sort myself. I managed to source some stern drive bellows from Germany which appear to be the last supplier of these parts globally. I left the parts with a local Marine Engineer for the winter who appear to have done a lovely job on the drive including new exhaust and drive bellows, new pipe for the raw water feed, new anodes, transmission oil etc.

The boat safety is now also due so time has been taken to fit a new gas locker as the old one was looking a little decrepit.  
The weather has been pretty rubbish this week but the weather held off enough Monday and Tuesday to apply 2 coats of antifoul paint to the hull. So the boat safety is booked in for Saturday and fingers crossed the boat will be back in the water very soon.